Tsara of Gypsy Wladmir
Wladmir is my great friend on a spiritual journey. A great master who carries this magical energy from the Gypsy people. I received the call to found, justify and open your workspace to start our mission together in Charity and Love for the next this year 2020, it will be in the city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. We are starting to search for resources to start this process.
It will certainly be a phase of many learnings and search for personal evolution for the responsibility of the priesthood in this caravan.
The Gypsy Wladmir who walks with me has his essence based on the elements Fire and Earth and his experience and knowledge, based on the mystery of Ancient Egypt. He walked vast steps through the immense Desert, bringing to his essence with his caravan, all the Mystery that those sands carry with knowledge and magic.
This journey will certainly be of great experience and learning and my role is only to serve and continue in search of the development of what is needed, to carry out this work that is to come.
If you are a lover of the Gypsy People and want to help in the construction of this foundation project of Tsara do Cigano Wladmir, just click on the button below, we still have nothing, nor space to start, any type of contribution will certainly make a difference. And already just for your attention in finding out about the project we are already grateful. May all the spirituality of light bless you.